Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thought I should mention this

Mikuchan is currently hosting a writing contest. I'll just go ahead and repost the details:

Here's the contest info: Write a story about a day in the life of a Vocaloid. That's it, just make sure it's well worded and it's free of grammar and spelling errors.

The winner will receive the following prizes:
All the official Vocaloid software
10GB+ of images
Concert videos
Lossless collections
Almost every album release to date
Almost 800PV rips
Nearly all the game video rips
Plus a few other things~

The cutoff date will be Sunday, Oct. 31st and the winner will be announced sometime on Monday, Nov. 1st. That should give you guys plenty of time to come up with interesting stories

tl;dr Write story about Miku or your favorite Vocaloid of your choice, post story in the thread linked below, win, receive good stuff.

Link to the thread:


  1. I followed the link, first thing I see:

    >Miku was a space marine for fourteen years. When she was young she watched the spaceships and he said to Kaito "I want to be on the ships kaito."

    >Kaito said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS"

    I'm fucked. There's no way I can compete with such QUALITY writing.

  2. I didn't even know there was a chan for miku. I do know that im following your blog now.

    Check mine out, i have some autismcraft posts.
